Valiant Course Information

10 Week Course
Starting May 22nd
Developing and maintaining a healthy sexuality is every man’s battle. Valiant Man is about male sexual discipleship. This program with study and devotional guide is designed to fortify and restore the moral and spiritual integrity of men. Valiant Man challenges all men to fight for their own personal, moral and spiritual vitality and help other men fight for theirs.
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SESSION 1: A Vision for Manhood
The aim of this session is to plant the seeds of vision for a better future, a vision for Valiant Manhood, while undertaking a rigorous moral inventory of current reality.
SESSION 2: The Arena of Healing
This session aims to introduce participants to the mind and heart attitudes necessary for growth and change to occur, and it introduces the Arena of Healing which provides a visual image to help participants identify the healing process.
SESSION 3: The Sexual Man
The aim of this session is to provide participants with information about the construction of male sexuality with a view to helping men normalise their experience of their own male sexuality and begin to appreciate the issues involved in successfully managing male sexuality.
SESSION 4: The Origin, Power and Purpose of Sex
The aim of this session is to provide men with a theology of sex which introduces them to the deepest issues of our sexuality, which go beyond biology and psychology to the character of God and his ultimate purpose.
SESSION 5: The Cycle of Addiction
The aim of this session is to explain the cycle of addiction from a behavioural and bio-chemical point of view. The purpose is to help men understand the dynamics of addictive sexual behaviour so they can better appreciate the choices they must make if they intend to make permanent changes.
SESSION 6: The Understanding Man
The aim of this session is to give men insight into the differences between male and female sexuality with a view to increasing their capacity to be understanding husbands and lovers.
SESSION 7: Retraining Your Brain
This session aims to provide an understanding to men of how thought processes are established in the brain with a view to learning a workable process for bringing thoughts under control.
SESSION 8: Taking a Stand
This session prepares the men for a time of prayer and consecration, as they take a stand against shame, fantasy, pornography and inappropriate sexual behaviours.
SESSION 9: Guarding Your Heart
This session teaches men principles that will help them maintain sexual integrity as they grow in sexual purity.
SESSION 10: Realistic Expectations
This session reviews the ground covered over the previous nine sessions and assists men to prepare for a realistic view of the challenges they will face as they leave the course. Strategies for ongoing success will be explained.
Many women want to understand the men in their lives. Understanding Your Valiant Man has been developed for women; a companion program to the Valiant Man program which is designed to provide men with an empowering experience of sexual discipleship. This program allows the women to see and understand the journey the men involved in the program are taking.
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SESSION 1: A Vision for Manhood
The aim of this session is to plant the seeds of vision for a better future, a vision for Valiant Manhood, while undertaking a rigorous moral inventory of current reality.
SESSION 2: The Arena of Healing
The aim of this session is to assist women in understanding the attitudes of mind and heart necessary for growth and change to occur. It introduces the Arena of Healing and how adopting these attitudes can have a positive affect on their relationships with men.
SESSION 3: The Sexual Man
The aim of this session is to understand and appreciate the physiological differences in men and women, particularly in the sexual arena, to give an understanding of the struggle men face in a highly sexualised environment and explore ways that both men and women can enhance their sexual discipleship, to provide participants with information about the construction of male sexuality with a view to helping men normalise their experience of their own male sexuality, and to help the women begin to appreciate the issues involved for men successfully managing male sexuality.
SESSION 4: The Origin, Power and Purpose of Sex
The aim of this session is to provide women with an opportunity to listen to the theology of sex as men are introduced to the deepest issues of their sexuality, which go beyond biology and psychology to the character of God and His ultimate purpose. It also provides women with an opportunity to see how the purposes of God apply to their own sexuality and need for intimacy.
SESSION 5: The Cycle of Addiction
The aim of this session is to understand the cycle of addiction and explain it from a behavioural and bio-chemical point of view, to be alert to issues of shame and guilt and note how this may be a factor in shaping our attitudes to our sexuality, and to understand how sex is intended to be a bonding experience.
SESSION 6: The Understanding Man
The aim of this session is to give men and women insight into the differences between male and female sexuality with a view to men increasing their capacity to be understanding husbands and lovers.
SESSION 7: Retraining Your Brain
This session teaches the biological, emotional and spiritual processes involved in renewing the mind. It provides an understanding of the intentional work that the men are undertaking in order to be more healthy and loving to the women in their world. It assists women to understand that sexual purity is not a male only issue and provides insight into the way our culture is reshaping and defining the sexuality of women. It provides an understanding of how thought processes are established in the brain with a view to learning a workable process for bringing thoughts under control.
SESSION 8: Taking a Stand
The aim of this session to to assist women to understand the impact of sexually explicit material, to explore issues relating to intimacy, and to learn how to support men in the course as they receive ministry and consecrate themselves. The women, like the men, will be encouraged to take a stand against shame, fantasy, pornography and inappropriate sexual behaviours.
SESSION 9: Guarding Your Heart
The aim of this session is to understand the commitment the men are making to “nourish” and “cherish” a wife, to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness for what a partner is, rather than what he is not, to understand that submission is not about domination but of mutual care and love, and to receive healing prayer.
SESSION 10: For Women Only
The aim of this session is to provide a brief look at the key issues of female sexuality and suggest resources for accessing more detailed information, to underline the miracle of creation and the spiritual aspects of intimacy, to address sexuality in the bedroom and the art of love making, and to encourage women to understand their own physiology.